Scenes: 12, Roles: Total (7), Female (4), Male (3), Unassigned (0)
...Six friends are interviewed by the police after the disappearance of Lucy Lime, the strange unnerving girl – 'I am a walking Universe, I am' – whom they met on the beach beneath the cliffs.
Adie likes Gary who likes...
Acts: 3, Scenes: 22, Roles: Total (7), Female (2), Male (4), Unassigned (1)
...Radio Castle, the voice of Jerusalem. Your local news broadcast from the bed of housebound ex-fireman, John Edward. His son doesn’t want to join the family business, and his wife is in love with the town’s ex-policeman, but Radio Castle...
Acts: 2, Scenes: 47, Roles: Total (9), Female (5), Male (4), Unassigned (0)
...A high-ranking government minister with a colourful past is sent on a diplomatic mission to Istanbul. When his trip ends up in a bar-room brawl, he becomes Europe's most wanted man overnight. Chased by the authorities, damned by religious...