...Culture Clash brashly explores the San Diego-Tijuana region through satire and humor. Bordertown is based upon interviews the trio conducted with more than 100 people from both sides of the border and from every walk of life. Interviewees...
...Sports stadiums, eminent domain, Cuban outfielders and the fight for what's best for the City of Angels. Culture Clash — Richard Montoya, Ric Salinas and Herbert Siguenza — examines the constantly changing landscape of Los Angeles...
...The controversial history of Chavez Ravine, the immigrant community that once existed on the site that is now Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, is explored with humor, brutal honesty, and pulse-racing music by the nation's premier...
...The acclaimed comedy trio known as Culture Clash spent three months interviewing about 70 Miami residents for this mix of vignettes about urban renewal, crimes, hurricanes and immigration, as well as where to get a plate of arroz con pollo...
...A hard working immigrant father wants better for his sons, twins named Water and Power. He wants them to be like Mr. Mullholand – deciding where the water flows in this desert pueblo. From the Mother Ditch in Chinatown, to the arroyos...
...The nation's leading Chicano/Latino performance group deconstructs the legend of Zorro with typical flair - mixing madcap humor, political savvy, and dynamic stage presence...