...This satirical play is heightened in its naturalism, in its seriousness, in its parody and piercing in its interrogation of how our attempts to define ourselves in public are shaped by the fear of saying the wrong thing. Presented quite...
Roles: Total (3), Female (1), Male (2), Unassigned (0)
...Three people. Stephen wants his ex to realise he's got what it takes. Helen wants her dead husband back. Jamie wants a girl to see him off to war. Three lives stripped bare in a modern world.
Scenes: 20, Roles: Total (5), Female (2), Male (3), Unassigned (0)
...- I had a dream where every time I ever did anything or went anywhere or said anything, people would say: 'Someone else just did that, you're just copying them aren't you?' Turns out I never had a single original thought my whole life. How...
Acts: 2, Roles: Total (7), Female (3), Male (4), Unassigned (0)
...Being a teacher means weekends. It means thirteen weeks holiday. It means a secure job in uncertain times.
But Zoe doesn't want to have to rescue her students. She doesn't want to be called a slag. She doesn't want...
Acts: 3, Scenes: 7, Roles: Total (7), Female (0), Male (7), Unassigned (0)
...In a high-end hotel room, rising football stars Jason and Ade are living the dream. Goals, girls and glory. Tomorrow they make their first-team debut. But the game starts before you've even walked out the tunnel.