...The Trial of Alger Hiss, The Trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, The Case of J. Robert Oppenheimer. At the height of the cold War, American democracy was challenged by the anti-Communist atmosphere of the McCarthy era. In the Name...
Scenes: 23, Roles: Total (27), Female (6), Male (15), Unassigned (6)
...Reality is stranger than fiction when seven 1960's radicals refuse to behave in Judge Julius Hoffman's courtroom. Based on actual trial transcripts and starring a cast of top Chicago actors, this Peter Goodchild play centers on events...
...Reality is stranger than fiction when seven 1960’s radicals refuse to behave in Judge Julius Hoffman’s courtroom. Based on actual trial transcripts and starring a cast of top Chicago actors, this play centers on events following...
Acts: 2, Roles: Total (8), Female (0), Male (8), Unassigned (0)
...The Scopes Trial, over the right to teach evolution in public schools, reaffirmed the importance of intellectual freedom as codified in the Bill of Rights. The trial, in a small-town Tennessee courtroom in 1925, set the stage for ongoing...
...The Scopes Trial, over the right to teach evolution in public schools, reaffirmed the importance of intellectual freedom as codified in the Bill of Rights. The trial, in a small-town Tennessee courtroom in 1925, set the stage for ongoing...
Acts: 2, Scenes: 39, Roles: Total (17), Female (3), Male (14), Unassigned (0)
...The birth of Armageddon. The first H-bomb detonates and the proud father is Edward Teller. But he's on a collision course with Robert Oppenheimer, the inventor of the bomb that obliterated Hiroshima. Now Oppenheimer has turned pacifist...
...The birth of Armageddon. The first H-bomb detonates and the proud father is Edward Teller. But he's on a collision course with Robert Oppenheimer, the inventor of the bomb that obliterated Hiroshima. Now Oppenheimer has turned pacifist...