~playauthor~Written by~
Emma Tobin
Dan Rebellato
Lewis Hetherington
Liam Jarvis
Hannah Barker
Oberon Books, 2011
Oberon Modern Plays
Acts: 3, Scenes: 33, Roles: Total (5), Female (2), Male (3), Unassigned (0)
...It's been a month since Stephen stepped over the edge. There was no sign no warning. Amy collects her husband's effects, the things he had with him gathered in a single box. As memories of their last night together rewind, replay...
~playauthor~Written by~
Hannah Barker
Lewis Hetherington
Oberon Books, 2016
Oberon Modern Plays
Acts: 2, Scenes: 29, Roles: Total (12), Female (3), Male (3), Unassigned (6)
...A man wakes, face down, sprawled across his single bed, the sunlight gently creeping through the window. Today is the day he will change his life.
A Boeing 777 begins its descent towards Heathrow. The wheels unfold out...
Acts: 5, Scenes: 25, Roles: Total (14), Female (0), Male (0), Unassigned (14)
...A wild rollercoaster ride through school, the Multiverse, and finding yourself, over and over and over again…
It's the last day of school, and Amber bunks off to go partying with a raggle-taggle group of friends: the geeks...