...In 101 Humiliating Stories, Lisa Kron dives deep into the universal experience of humiliation. With her trademark charm and intimate delivery, Kron shares a series of humiliations past, present, and future, including exquisitely detailed...
...In 2.5 Minute Ride, Lisa Kron invites her audience on a roller coaster ride through the Kron family album. Rising and falling between high hilarity and deep disquiet, Kron demonstrates with disarming simplicity that humor and horror can...
Acts: 2, Scenes: 12, Roles: Total (7), Female (6), Male (1), Unassigned (0)
...On Thanksgiving Day, after the controversial 2000 election, political junkie Ellen gathers with family and friends in her cramped New York City apartment. Soon after, she experiences an unexpected passionate encounter and discovers...
Roles: Total (6), Female (4), Male (2), Unassigned (0)
...Well is acclaimed writer and performer Lisa Kron’s work all about her mom. It explores the dynamics of health, family and community with the story of her mother’s extraordinary ability to heal a changing neighbourhood, despite her inability...