...Described by audiences as ‘HOT,’ ‘Squishy,’ ‘Comforting,’ ‘Bumpy’ & ‘FanFuckingTastic’, An Appreciation is a short cabaret work about cancer and the changing body over time. In An Appreciation, Brian invites five audience members...
...Far from the world of yellow bracelets and pink ribbons, BALL is the story of a young man and his quirky and unique struggle against cancer and, more importantly, the Lance Armstrong-dominated cancer narrative. This is not your mother...
...Other Funny Stories about Cancer premiered at Live Bait Theater, Chicago in 2006. In it, author Brian Lobel shares his experiences, infusing the “cancer story” with an urgency and humour which is sometimes inappropriate, often salacious...
...Part game show, part love story, part lecture exploring modern friendships.
Purge addresses where online friendship stops and real friendship begins. In 2010, Brian discovered that his deceased ex-boyfriend...