Acts: 2, Roles: Total (17), Female (7), Male (10), Unassigned (0)
...A Day at the Racists is a brave piece of political theatre. It both attempts to understand why people might be drawn to the BNP and diagnoses a deeper cause of that attraction: the political abandonment and betrayal of the working class...
Scenes: 10, Roles: Total (4), Female (1), Male (3), Unassigned (0)
...Zimbabwe. 2015. The Mugabe Government has fallen and investigations into its abuses have begun. Eunice Ncube, working for the new Truth and Justice Commission, begins the interviewing of Gabriel Chibamu, one of the most infamous...
Scenes: 12, Roles: Total (21), Female (10), Male (11), Unassigned (0)
...'I believe that open markets and free enterprise are the best imaginable force for improving human wealth and happiness. And I would go further: where they work properly, they can actually promote morality.' David Cameron, January 2012...