Roles: Total (7), Female (4), Male (3), Unassigned (0)
...Boys With Cars follows Naz, a classically trained Indian dancer, who dreams of getting out of small town Port Moody to attend the University of British Columbia. But when Buddy causes a stir over Naz at school, Naz’s university plans begin...
Roles: Total (4), Female (3), Male (1), Unassigned (0)
...Fish Eyes is the story of Meena, a classically trained Indian dancer who, despite being obsessed with Bollywood movies and her dance career, just wants to be like the rest of her high-school friends. When she develops a massive crush...
Roles: Total (2), Female (2), Male (0), Unassigned (0)
...Let Me Borrow That Top centres on Candice, a girl who appropriates Meena’s Indian dance skills and bullies Naz after a nasty rumour spreads through the halls of their high school. But like her two enemies, Candice shares a passion...