...On November 13, 2002, the incomparable Suzan-Lori Parks got an idea to write a play every day for a year. She began that very day, finishing one year later. The result is an extraordinary testament to artistic commitment. This collection...
Acts: 2, Roles: Total (6), Female (1), Male (5), Unassigned (0)
..."Parks has burst through every known convention to invent a new theatrical language, like a jive Samuel Beckett, while exploding American cultural myths and stereotypes along the way.... She's passionate and jokey and some kind...
Scenes: 10, Roles: Total (3), Female (1), Male (2), Unassigned (0)
...Encouraged by his stepmother to return home to South Texas, a young man reunites with his abusive father, unearthing an explosive combination of deep-seated passion and ambition.
Described by Suzan-Lori Parks as a companion...
Scenes: 7, Roles: Total (11), Female (2), Male (9), Unassigned (0)
...A woman tries to feed her husband a fried drumstick. Dragons roam a flat earth. The last Black man in the whole entire world dies again. And again.
Careening through memory and language, Parks explores and explodes archetypes...
Scenes: 42, Roles: Total (13), Female (3), Male (6), Unassigned (4)
...A bold exploration of colonisation and objectification, based on the true story of the 'Hottentot Venus'.
Sarah 'Saartjie' Baartman was an indigenous South African woman who - due principally to the large size of her buttocks -...