...A renowned film critic returns to his small Ohio hometown for a high school reunion – and to make peace with his past. The town and most of his former classmates, including the school bully, have fallen on hard times, and the successful...
...Based on the Bernice Rubens' novel of the same name, I Sent a Letter to My Love is a romantic musical by Grammy winner Melissa Manchester and dramatist Jeffrey Sweet. It is 1955 and a lonely spinster, Amy, places a correspondence ad...
...Benny Silverman, a retired, successful actor, seems to have surmounted the bitter time in his life when Leo Greshen, a good friend and colleague “named” him in front of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Benny’s flourishing...
...It should be a week full of wine, wit and relaxation. However Jill’s husband doesn’t show up at a lakeside vacation house and instead of a holiday, the happily married Mark & Shelly are offered an intimate view of their friend’s erratic...