...In the final play of a trilogy that began with Pretty Fire, and continued with Neat, In Real Life finds Charlayne Woodard pursuing her dreams in New York City. From her early days as a struggling actor to being nominated for a Tony Award...
...In Neat, Obie Award-Winning writer/performer Charlayne Woodard shares her memories of growing up black in America in the 60’s and 70’s. Weaving magic, Woodard takes us from Savannah, Georgia to Albany, New York with engaging humor and sharp...
...In five autobiographical vignettes, Charlayne Woodard tells the moving tale of her African-American family through three generations of love, struggle, and triumph. This NAACP award-winning play is a one-woman tour de force. Chosen...
...Playwright/performer Charlayne Woodard is a force of nature, and in The Night Watcher she finds a new way to explore her “mother” nature. Woodard describes her life as half of a childless couple, finding herself mysteriously drawn...