...After his wife’s death, retired cop Walter ‘Pops’ Washington has made a home for his ex-felon son in his sprawling, rent-controlled, Riverside Drive apartment. Will a long-simmering feud with the NYPD cause him to lose his home...
...An intense, chilling take on life behind bars, Jesus Hopped the “A” Train strikes a fine balance of “intellectual vigor and sophistication on the one hand and so much anguished passion on the other.” (The New York Times). A riveting work...
...A group of old friends find themselves at Harlem’s Ortiz Funeral Home to mourn the death of a beloved nun from their childhood. As they bounce off of each other with old hurts and the harsh realities of grown-up life, a murder mystery (and...
...Addiction, pain, and explosive tempers are not exactly what you’d call the ingredients for a side-splitting comedy. Yet Stephen Adly Guirgis has created a profane, hilarious masterpiece that earned a “hatful” of theatrical accolades...